News & Articles

group therapy

Why ABA Group Therapy should be avoided?

For those with autism, Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a well-known and successful therapy option...
mild autism

What are the signs of mild autism?

Autism is widely known for being a spectrum disorder, and that means the symptoms can...
Child Screening Price

Child Screening Price in Malaysia: A Guide to Child Development Services Costs

Child development is a critical aspect of every parent's journey, and ensuring your child receives...

Celebrity Endorsement: Shila Amzah on Our Cyberjaya ABA Therapy

We are thrilled to share that our Cyberjaya Child Development Centre has received a heartfelt...
ABA Therapy in Malaysia

Best Therapy for Children with ASD: ABA Therapy in Malaysia

In a recent article by the Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH) titled "Management of Autism...
perbezaan adhd dan autisme

Apakah Perbezaan ADHD Dan Autisme?

Ramai yang keliru antara ADHD dan autisme, lebih-lebih lagi kedua-duanya mempunyai symptom yang hampir sama...
Terapi Speech Delay Shah Alam

Anak saya lambat bercakap, adakah ini tanda autisme?

Adakah masalah lambat bercakap bermaksud anak anda menghidapi autisme? Soalan ini sangat kerap diutarakan oleh...
Speech Delay Symptoms

7 Most Common Speech Delay Symptoms you should watch out for

Speech delay is a problem that some parents encounter when their child is not developing...

5 Reasons Why One-to-One ABA Therapy is More Effective

Autism is a neurological condition that impacts how people connect, communicate, and learn. Approximately 9000...
Fresh graduate psychology jobs in Malaysia

5 Most Popular Fresh Graduate Psychology Jobs in Malaysia

Discover the top fresh graduate psychology jobs in Malaysia that offer promising career opportunities for...
Terapi Carakerja Bukit Jelutong

5 Kepentingan Early Intervention Program

Early Intervention Program (EIP) direka untuk mengenal pasti dan menangani sebarang kelewatan perkembangan pada kanak-kanak...
tahap autisme

3 Tahap Autisme yang Perlu Difahami

Seperti yang kita ketahui, autism dikenali sebagai gangguan yang bersifat spektrum di mana terdapat kepelbagaian...
Speech Therapy Bukit Jelutong

2 Cara Mengenali Tanda Autisme Pada Anak

Apakah Autisme? Autisme adalah masalah neurologi atau masalah psikologi atau kita panggil juga masalah perkembangan...
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